This has become one of the most popular hunts in North America, and for good reason. Not only are the Aoudad (Barbary Sheep) a beautiful animal, they also offer an exciting and challenging hunt in some incredible terrain. Not only that, but the open season allows hunters to pursue these majestic animals in the winter months. This offers a great “off-season” adventure and for our clients in northern locales, it’s also a great way to escape the dead of winter. These are not feeder hunts, these are wild animals in wild places. It’s a true sheep hunt. And while the hunts are challenging and rewarding, our Texas partners have mastered the art of spotting and stalking these animals that are adept at eluding the untrained eye.

This is a Hosted Hunts Exclusive. We annually book the entire camp. All of our previous hunts have resulted in 100% harvest rates on some exceptional trophies. On this hunt, we are targeting rams that will be 30 inches plus. There are only 8 hunters in camp and 6 guides. It is a team effort which is in part why our success remains so high. This is one of the biggest and best-run ranches for Aoudad in all of North America. Enjoy 4.5 days of hunting. The accommodations include a nice lodge for meals and comfortable bunkhouse sleeping quarters. The food is good and plentiful. But this adventure is all about the hunt. This is a true sheep hunt, being spot and stalk in rough country. Clients consistently comment about how pleasantly surprised they are at the excitement and challenge of the hunt. Being able to walk the rocky hillsides and shoot proficiently at distances up to 400 yards are important attributes. Good glassing is a must, but you will be amazed at your guide’s ability to pick these elusive creatures out in their natural habitat.
Price: $7,250
Dates: February 19-23, 2023