Southern Manitoba, a Great Value!

This southern Manitoba Spring Bear hunt offers not only high success hunting but also a great value. And while the price is attractive it is not a case of buyer beware. Success on this hunt remains very high as the past seasons have had hunters’ success of 13/14 and 12/14. Of course, with the border closure, hunting pressure over the past 2 years was essentially zero. The exclusive guide use area is very large and has been in operation for decades and the owner/operator has over 20 years of hunting experience in this area. You will enjoy comfortable cabin accommodations. Cabins have air conditioning, a full bath with shower, and stocked kitchen areas. And while all of the pre-baited stand sites are maintained and a licensed guide assists you with all of the hunting, you will take care of your own meals. For a budget-conscious hunter, this one is tough to beat. Bring your boat for easy access to the world-renowned Lake of the Woods and enjoy some terrific fishing.
Price: $2,500
Dates: Flexible dates on 5-day hunts in May and June.