One of Manitoba’s Best for BIG Bears…

We have 2 spots due to cancellations with one of our longest-tenured Canadian bear outfitters. 1 spot on each of the dates listed below. Comfortable weather with active bears combined with very high success rates makes this a truly enjoyable experience. Add some fantastic fishing to your daily routine and life is pretty darn good. Hunts are conducted from stands over baits using ladder stands, the occasional hang-on stand, or at times a ground blind. Bear numbers are very high and opportunity is typically 100%. Trophy size is very real and if you are patient you stand a real good chance of scoring a 7-foot square bruin with a skull of 20 inches or better. The trick is to pass the numerous smaller bears that you will likely encounter. It is not unusual to see 5 or more bears on a given sit. Comfortable motel lodging is provided along with meals off the menu. Fly into Winnipeg or drive to your respective camp, approximately 2 hours north of Winnipeg.
Special Price: $3,800 (2019 Price!)
Dates: May 9-13, 2022, or May 30-June 3rd, 2022; One spot on each date.