New Mexico Rifle Elk
These 2 spots became available due to Montana reversing the drawing results for hunters booked with outfitters. 2 of our clients had this hunt booked but now have to cancel to make their originally planned Montana hunt. This ranch is located in Southwest New Mexico in unit 12. This is a landowner tag hunt with a closed ranch tag. The ranch is 20,000 acres and is rolling hills with juniper and pinion trees, Elevation on the ranch ranges from 7,200-7,800 feet. Our outfitter has had this lease secured for many years and it has been a consistent producer. He only hunts 2 hunters per hunt and only 12 tags per year on the ranch . You can expect to be hunting bulls in the 270-290 range. The hunt includes lodging, meals, infield transportation, guiding 2 on 1 (can do 1 on 1 for an upcharge) animal recovery, trophy preparation.
Price $7,500/hunter. (Includes Landowner Tag)
Hunt Dates are October 16-20

New Mexico Archery Mule Deer
One of our best archery outfitters in New Mexico has 2 tags available for Mule Deer. The dates are January 1-15 (pick any 5 hunting days) and will be in the late rut stage for Mule Deer. This is a great time of the year to be hunting (and not be in the cold and snow). The private ranch is modest at 6,000 acres but only two archery hunts will be conducted here and prior to that only 2 rifle hunts. The low pressure leads to high opportunity rates. You will be targeting 140-160 inch bucks. This is a target rich environment, not physically challenging country and a great way to kick off your 2022 hunting season! These are spot and stalk hunts, guided 2 on 1 but can be upgraded to 1×1.
Price $3,500
Dates January 1-15 (Pick 5 Consecutive)