In 2023 we flew up to northern Manitoba to help transition the sale of a long-time successful fly-in lodge. We were so pleased with our experience and the vision of the new owners that we secured all of the bear hunts for 2024. We sold those hunts in no time flat and our hunters enjoyed excellent success, just as we had expected they would. We have since shored up the details to continue offering this exciting exclusive moving forward. Here is your chance to secure a fly-in-bear hunt with excellent fishing

Manitoba Fly-In Adventure has it all…
This is an incredible value. For the cost of a really good fly-in fishing trip, you get the lodge, the meals, the fishing, AND you get to hunt for black bear in an area that has seen almost no hunting pressure. What’s more, your round trip airfare is included in the price from Winnipeg on. It actually gets better. The flight is non-stop from Winnipeg on an amphibious airplane that can make a water landing right in front of the lodge.
This lake system is very large and the bear population is in excellent shape. Comfortable stands and active baits will provide high opportunities for mature bears. We have secured two peak weeks of bear hunting with only 6 per camp and one of our groups from last year said they intend to keep their 6 spots meaning we are already down to 6 left.
The fishing speaks for itself. This time of year it is not uncommon to boat 100 walleyes in a day and chances at 40 inch plus pike are abundant as well. Classic shore lunch is always a hit and is complimented by chef-prepared meals at the lodge. No tents here, and comfortable modern cabins make this feel like a vacation as much as a hunt.
Price: $5,400 + tax and license
June 6-11, 2025 (6 Spots)

No Roughing it here. Well-appointed lodge and cabins exceed the comfort found on similar trips. Arrive in style, once you get to Winnipeg your drive is over and you will get into camp via plane or helicopter!