Our clients have once again enjoyed great success chasing Mule Deer across the west. 2019 spots are filling quickly with our go to outfitters in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Nebraska. And let’s not forget about the giants of southern Alberta and Old Mexico. If a great mule deer hunt in on your list we’ve…
Hosted Hunts featured on Growing Deer TV
Check out the Video! New Mexico Archery Elk We are excited to share with you the filmed highlights of Dr. Grant Woods and company on their return to New Mexico for an archery elk adventure with Hosted Hunts. This our third consecutive year of working with Dr. Woods and his Growing Deer TV team as…
Success! Banner Year for Moose
It’s one of the most iconic animals in North America. A bucket list adventure for many who seek to have one adorn the fireplace. This has been a terrific year for our moose hunters. And its been all across Canada and Alaska. Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Alaska…we had happy hunters in each…
Success! New Zealand 2018
New Zealand… What a special place. Year in and year out, our exceptional outfitter in New Zealand delivers at the highest level. 2018 has been no exception. Perhaps nowhere else do we have such consistently superlative reviews. This is one of our absolute favorite destinations to send our clients to. The reasons are many, but…
Joe Carrica Joins Hosted Hunts
Joe is a very accomplished hunter but more importantly he shares our core values of honesty and integrity. With more than three decades of experience in corporate sales and customer service Joe also brings an intimate knowledge of corporate incentive and client/relationship building travel strategies to our team and our clients. Joe lives in Victoria,…
Pat Belzer, New Zealand- April, 2018
I had my first contact with Buzz Marvin and Hosted Hunts in 2013 – when a friend and I booked a Washington whitetail hunt for the fall of 2014. Early in 2014 I attended an open house event sponsored by Hosted Hunts and had a chance to meet the Hosted Hunts crew in person –…
Texas Waterfowl Bonanza
As we concluded our annual trip to the Dallas Safari Club convention we resisted the temptation to immediately return home to consistent sub-zero temperatures. Truth be told we had already made plans to maximize our time in the Lone Star State, the 90-degree temperature improvement was just a bonus. In the days immediately after the…
Missouri Waterfowl
Scott just returned from hosting a group of 12 at our preferred Missouri Waterfowl destination.