This Alberta archery elk hunt is typical for a lot of action! Most years the shot opportunity approaches or exceeds 90%! That is very high for an archery hunt. This is a combination of private ranches and public land that sees almost zero resident pressure. The elk here are prominently 5×5 and you usually target bulls in the 250-280 class. You are hunting the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and the elevation is around 5,000 feet. Dates are excellent and bulls should be very vocal while you are there. You will enjoy very comfortable ranch house accommodations and good home cooking. This hunt is guided 1×1. We have one spot for sure and might be able to secure one more tag if you have a buddy who wants to join you. This is a hunt that is usually booked out a year in advance so this is a rare but great opportunity to snag a quality archery elk hunt for 2022!
Hunt Dates: September 18-24, 2022
Hunt Price: $7,995